Suggestions For Raleigh Home Security Landscaping To Safeguard Your Home
Landscaping is a fantastic way to add appeal, function, and value to your property. But it will also play a role in your home’s security. Explore these Raleigh home security landscaping recommendations and discover how to make your home safer.
No. 1: Maintain Your Property
What impression does your yard make? A well-tended landscape with a neat lawn, clipped shrubs, and mulched flower beds tells potential burglars you’re mindful of your property. Conversely, neglected grass and weeds show you’re lax about your yard and may not put an emphasis on your home’s security either. Don’t make your residence a target by conveying the wrong image.
No. 2: Cast Light On Your Raleigh Property
Darkness is a friend to thieves because they wish to stay out of sight. Don’t make things easier on them. Instead, implement various lights all through your landscape. You probably already have a front porch light, but you ought to integrate motion-detecting lights in certain spots like your sliding patio door or close to your garage. Install solar lights along a pathway and accent lighting by trees or retaining walls. In so doing, you can cast light on likely hiding spots while bringing a special touch to your yard. You might even program interior smart lights to turn on when movement is observed outside.
No. 3: Maintain A Clear Sightline
You ought to be able to observe all parts of your yard from the interior. Keep shrubbery and other plants under three feet tall so you don’t impede your perspective. If you’re purchasing new plants from a nursery, read the label to get an idea of how large they may grow. Generally speaking, it’s better to stay away from hedges and more expansive plant life, especially around entry points like garage doors.
No. 4: Maintain A Close Watch With Surveillance Systems
Outdoor cameras are one of the best burglary deterrents. Just the sight of them is enough to turn away the bulk of possible intruders. Consequently, keep your outdoor surveillance conspicuous but high enough off the ground so it can't be disturbed easily. When you're not home, you can peek at real-time video clips via your convenient smartphone security app. To enhance your peace of mind, alerts can be delivered straight to your phone if your cameras detect suspicious activity.
No. 5: Defensive Flora Works As Raleigh Home Security Landscaping
Few burglars will want to go through a prickly plant to get to your ground-floor window. You’ll have to select plants that match your climate, but you could utilize gooseberry bushes, holly, dwarf bougainvillea, and rose bushes as defensive flora. Just keep in mind, your plant life must be under three feet tall if placed next to windows, and if you have young children, they may not be the right choice.
Bolster Your Safety-Focused Landscape With A Home Security System In Raleigh
A robust home defense system from Secure24 Alarm Systems is the perfect complement to your Raleigh home security landscaping. Our full-featured packages provide the latest tools like video surveillance, automation, and voice control. Not to mention, our home security sign will look tremendous in your well-maintained yard. Dial (919) 756-7929 today and personalize a system to your home’s unique needs.